Discover the exercises available with the adjustable kettlebell!

Lumberjack draw
Muscles used
Grand Dorsal & Trapezius.
1. Hold the kettlebell in one hand, then place the other hand on a stable support.
2. Position your back as horizontally as possible, this will engage the back muscles more.
3. With the kettlebell in the down position, pull it up until it forms a right angle with your arm. The pull should be vertical, in a "line".
This exercise can be performed standing or with one knee on a support.
Tips: Remember to inhale on the way down and exhale on the way up, remembering to voluntarily contract the muscles involved.

Kettlebell Swing
Muscles exercised
Hamstrings, Buttocks, Lower back.
1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart with a slight bend in the knees.
2. Grab the kettlebell, keep your back straight and your shoulders back.
3. To initiate the movement, position your hips backwards, keeping your arms straight.
4. Use the strength of your glutes and hips to bring the kettlebell up to shoulder height.
5. Check the descent and perform the same movement again.
Tips: Contract your abdominal muscles during the movement and remember to engage your hips, not your arms. The weight should be on your heels, not on your toes.

Curl Biceps
Muscle used
1. Take the kettlebell in your hand and extend your arm to 99%.
2. Pull it up, keeping the elbow stable and close to the body.
3. Perform a straight movement and focus on the biceps.
Tips: Don't engage your shoulders and keep your back straight. Avoid swinging.

Globet Squat
Muscles exercised
Quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings.
1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and position the Kettlebell at chest height.
2. Push your hips back down until your buttocks are at knee height or slightly lower.
3. Back up to initial position.
Tips: The kettlebell should be close to your chest throughout the movement, and you should focus on the muscles involved to get the best sensations.
The weight should be placed on your heels.

Muscles involved
Triceps, Chest, Shoulders.
1. Extend your arms to 99% and contract your abs, buttocks and legs.
2. Lower to 90°, controlling the descent. Keep your elbows at your sides.
3. Back up to initial position.
Tips: The straighter the body, the more the triceps will be involved. The more the body is bent, the more the pectorals will be involved.

Single Arm Press
Muscles involved
Triceps & Shoulders.
1. Hold the kettlebell close to the shoulder with the elbow bent and the palm facing outwards.
2. Push until you can stretch your arm to 99%.
3. When descending, control it by keeping your back and shoulders straight.
Tips: Keep your trunk contracted throughout the exercise. You can perform this movement standing or seated.

Buglares slots
Muscles exercised
Quadriceps & Buttocks.
1. Place your feet as shown above and keep your back straight.
2. Bend your front leg and lower your body towards the floor. The back leg will remain in contact with the bench for balance.
3. Lower, controlling the movement until you reach a 90° angle with your front leg.
4. Pull up until your leg is almost straight.
Tips: Concentrate your weight on the front heel.

Box Step Up
Muscles exercised
Quadriceps, Buttocks & Hamstrings.
1. Place the Kettlebell close to your chest and the leg of your choice on the support at an angle of 90%.
2. Use the front leg to push and pull up on the support.
3. Once both legs are in position, perform the reverse movement.
4. Alternate legs.
Tips: Focus on the front leg to get the best feeling...

Hip Trust
Muscles exercised
Buttocks & Hamstrings
1. Place your shoulder blades on a bench or solid support, feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Position the kettlebell at hip level for best possible tension.
3. Push your pelvis upwards until your thighs are parallel to the floor and your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
4. Contract the buttocks for 1 second, then release and control the descent.
Tips: Remember to also push with your heels when climbing.