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Article: Strengthen your arms at home with or without equipment

Strengthen your arms at home with or without equipment

Welcome to this article dedicated to the following topic: "How to build up your arms at home?"

We'll look at the 6 best arm-building exercises, with and without equipment, for strong, muscular biceps and triceps. 

We've also put together a training plan at the end of the article to help you gain muscle. All you have to do is read the execution of each arm exercise, the sets, the rest times and do the same.

Let's go it's on! 🔥

The best exercises for strengthening your arms 

Here are the 6 best arm exercises to do at home to build a muscular physique: 


  • Curl Biceps
  • Hammer socket
  • Traction Grip Supination


  • Dips
  • Diamond pumps
  • Vertical Extension

We'll take a look at each arm exercise in detail, as well as variations if you don't have the right sports equipment. 

Exercise 1 Biceps: Biceps Curls 

biceps arm exercise

One of the best exercises for building biceps! We recommend using a kettlebell or dumbbells for this exercise for best results. If you don't have any equipment, you can use a water pack to make the movement more complex. 

For better muscle concentration, we advise you to do 1 arm after the other. 

1 - Starting position : 

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart for stability and your back straight.

  • Once the kettlebell or dumbbell is in hand, the arm should run along the body, palm facing forward. Shoulders should not protrude forward. 

2 - Execution : 

  • It's not necessary to fix the elbow to the body; we recommend shifting it slightly.

  • During ascent, keep your elbow static.

  • Pull the kettlebell up to maximum contraction while inhaling.

3 - Controlled descent :
  • As you exhale, slowly lower the kettlebell to the starting position. 

Rehearsals and advice :

  • Repeat the movement between 8 and 12 repetitions, you should be close to failure.

  • You should avoid swinging movements to avoid the risk of injury. This will also not maximize muscle gain.

  • We advise you not to stretch your arm to 100% at the end of the movement, as this could damage the tendon.

Exercise 2 Biceps: Hammer grip

hammer grip arm exercise

This arm exercise is highly effective for developing the biceps muscles while focusing on the forearms

The starting position, execution, descent, repetitions and tips are the same as for the previous exercise. However, in this exercise, the palms are turned inwards, as if holding a hammer. 

Exercise 3 Biceps: Traction Supination grip

biceps arm exercise

Supine pull-ups are a good exercise for the back and biceps.

1 - Starting position :

  • Stand under a high bar and grip the bar with palms facing you at shoulder width.

  • Arms 99% taut, shoulders back and back straight to avoid tendon injuries.

2 - Execution :

  • You'll have to pull your chin over the bar.

  • Concentrate on the contraction of the biceps muscles during the ascent and remember to breathe in.

3 - Controlled descent :

  • Controlling the movement, slowly lower your arms back to their initial position.

  • Exhale on descent. 

Rehearsals and advice :

  • Aim for 8 to 12 repetitions. If bodyweight is too easy, use a weighted vest or weight belt to weigh yourself down.

  • If, on the other hand, body weight is too much, you can use an elastic band to lighten the load.

  • Make sure you maintain good technique throughout the exercise, avoiding swinging your body to gain momentum.

Exercise 1 Triceps: Dips

triceps arm exercise

This muscle-building exercise greatly involves the triceps but also calls on shoulders and the pectorals

1 - Starting position :

  • Place yourself between dip bars or chairs, stretching your arms 99%. 

  • Your body should be straight and your feet should not touch the ground.

2 - Execution :

  • Slowly bend your arms to lower your body, bending your elbows until they are at about 90 degrees.

  • The descent must be controlled. 

3 - Ascent :

  • Push through your arms to return to the starting position, extending your elbows until you reach the initial position.

  • Contract your triceps during the ascent.

Rehearsals and advice :

  • Aim for between 8 and 12 repetitions, depending on your strength and fitness level. As with pronated pull-ups, you can lighten up with elastic bands, or add weight with a weighted vest or belt. 

  • The straighter the body, the more the triceps will be involved. If the body is slightly bent forward, the pectoral muscles will be involved.

Exercise 2 Triceps: Diamond push-ups

arm exercise diamond pumps

Diamond push-ups are a modified version of the classic push-ups that target the triceps more, thanks to a closer hand position.

1 - Starting position :

  • Place yourself in a push-up position, putting your hands on the floor in a "diamond" or "triangle" position.

  • The whole body should be contracted.

2 - Execution :

  • Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body towards the ground, keeping your elbows close to your body and controlling the movement.

  • During the descent, concentrate on the movement for better stability.

  • Stop just before touching your hands to your chest.

3 - Explosive rise :

  • Push through your arms to return to the starting position, extending your elbows 99%.

  • Contract your triceps during the ascent.

Rehearsals and advice :

  • Do as many repetitions as possible for this exercise. You can stand on your knees if it's difficult, or weigh yourself down if it's too easy. 

  • Maintain good posture throughout to avoid injury and maximize exercise efficiency.

Exercise 3 Triceps: Vertical Extension

triceps arm exercise

1 - Starting position :

  • For this arm exercise, you can either stand or sit, depending on your preference. You can hold the kettlebell with one or both hands, depending on how you feel. If you don't have any equipment, a pack of water bottles may do the trick.

  • Your arms should be straight, with your hands firmly holding the weight.

2 - Execution :

  • Slowly bend your elbows to lower the dumbbell behind your head, keeping your elbows close to your ears and controlling the movement.

  • Lower until your arms form an angle of about 90 degrees.

3 - Controlled ascent :

  • Explosively push your arms up to the starting position.

  • Contract your triceps during this phase. 

Rehearsals and advice :

  • Aim for 8 to 12 repetitions.

  • Make sure your back stays straight and your shoulders don't tilt forward or backward.

  • Use the weight that's right for you, to avoid the risk of injury. To progress, you can increase the difficulty by using a heavier weight. You can also use one hand to hold the dumbbell once you've mastered the exercise.

Maximizing results to tone your arms

To maximize results, you'll need a structured training plan with the best bodybuilding exercises. Here's a program to build up your arms effectively: 

biceps arm routine 

triceps arm exercise

I hope this article on"how to build up your arms at home?" has helped you, so don't hesitate to leave a comment.

If you need sports equipment, we have everything you need in our store.

If you'd like to go further, check out our article on the best leg exercises to do at home

See you soon,

Eric Flag

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