Weight Lifting Belt
Progress safely in powerlifting, weightlifting and bodybuilding!
👉 Immediately increases your strength and power.
👉 Excellent back and lumbar support.
👉 Very quick to adjust for best tension.
Comfort and safety: high-quality weight lifting belt available in 4 sizes (S, M, L and XL) to suit every body type(see size guide).
Comfortable thanks to its high quality nylon coating to be strong and durable over time, while remaining light and easy to carry. Equipped with an anti-opening mechanism including a scratch and a metal buckle, our weight lifting belt will accompany you in your progression.
Explode your performance safely! The use of a weight lifting belt allows you to gain strength and power on heavy exercises such as squats, deadlifts, snatches and clean and jerks.
To get the most out of your lifting belt, the aim is to exert intra-abdominal pressure during each of your movements, i.e. to push the belt outwards with your stomach (see video above).
The weight lifting belt can be used in different disciplines such as weight training, powerlifting, weightlifting or crossfit. It is the perfect sports equipment!
To avoid pain and injury. A lifting belt can be very useful if you suffer from discomfort during various exercises. By supporting the lumbar and abdominal muscles, the strength belt helps prevent injury and optimizes posture.
Discover Eric's article on our Blog: Why use a weight lifting belt?
To determine your size, we advise you to measure your waist at the navel. If you are between two sizes, take the smaller one.
S = 69-77cm
M = 77-85cm
L = 85-94cm
XL = 94-105cm
If you are between two sizes, we advise you to choose the smaller size.
Our lifting belt is very quick to install and adjust. Just put the top part through the metal buckle and tighten it to 85-90% on the side with the velcro.
The goal is not to be too compressed, you must be able to breathe properly.
Tip To know if the power belt is properly installed, you need to be able to pass your fingers between the belt and your belly, without being able to put your whole hand through.
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How to wear a Weight Lifting Belt ?

Frequently Asked Questions
Voici un guide qui vous permettra de sélectionner la meilleure taille en fonction de votre morphologie : juste ici.
Notre ceinture de force dispose d'une boucle en acier robuste qui assure un maintien sécurisé et une stabilité optimale lors des exercices avec charges lourdes.
La ceinture de force est idéale pour les exercices comme les squats ou les soulevés de terre. Elle est aussi utile pour tout autre mouvement de musculation nécessitant un bon maintien du bas du dos.
Oui, cette ceinture peut être utilisée par des débutants souhaitant améliorer leur stabilité et leur sécurité pendant les exercices de force.
Grâce à des matériaux de qualité, notre ceinture de force offre un soutien et un confort optimal, même lors des exercices lourds.
Si vous pouvez passer vos doigts entre la ceinture et le ventre sans pouvoir y passer toute la main, cela signifie que la ceinture est correctement installée.
La ceinture de force stabilise votre colonne vertébrale en augmentant la pression intra-abdominale. Elle réduit le stress sur le bas du dos et améliore la posture et le contrôle de vos mouvements. Utiliser une ceinture de force vous permet de soulever des charges plus lourdes en toute sécurité et cela diminue le risque de blessures.
Notre ceinture de force bénéficie d'une garantie de 2 ans, comme pour l'ensemble de nos produits.