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Article: Home gym: the best equipment to have!

Home gym: the best equipment to have!

Hi there!

Welcome to this new article dedicated to the best equipment to have for your home gym. 🚀

After writing an article on"Progressing very quickly with bodyweight at home", today we're going to introduce you to the essential equipment for training in optimal conditions. 💪

Want to strengthen your muscles, heart and mind? 📈

Do you want to gain in strength, stamina, confidence, discipline... and have it reflected in the mirror, in your relationships and in the way you approach new projects in your life?

If you're limited in travel, equipment or time, don't worry, you've come to the right place to get started. Welcome! 💪

And what's more, a surprise awaits you at the end of this article...

Discover the essential equipment you need to sculpt your dream body in your home gym! 🏋️‍♂️

Elastic bands: your best allies!

elastic bands

We start with elastic bands, an essential accessory for your home gym.

These bands allow you to perform a multitude of exercises, working every muscle in your body. With their three different levels of resistance, they'll help you make rapid progress!

Whether you're a beginner or a more experienced rider, there's something for everyone.

Whether you want to warm up, lighten or weigh down your exercises, they'll meet all your needs!

No more weights, just elastic bands! 💪

After a good warm-up with your elastic bands, use the video as inspiration to discover all the possible exercises and get maximum results!

Fitness mats: for increased comfort 

elastic bands

Have a exercise mat at home will enable you to perform countless exercises to vary your workouts.

Whether for pilates, burpees, bodyweight training or muscle recovery, it's a real asset to have close at hand.

Take the plank, for example, which will tone your whole body, improve your posture and your abdominal muscles.

Ventral gainage involves lying face down on the floor, legs straight and arms bent, so that you're resting solely on your forearms. The aim is to contract the abdominals and glutes to the maximum, so as to support the weight of the body on the forearms and tiptoes.

Strive to maintain the perfect movement for as long as possible, and observe the results as you progress...

Push-up handles: for safe exercise

push up bars

First of all, thespecific warm-up for doing push-ups on this equipment.

The only real sticking point here is probably the wrists. Don't hesitate to warm them up sufficiently beforehand, for example with a few mobility movements on the floor. Afterwards, a few reels orshoulder rotations will never hurt.

Place the push-up handles at the same level as the width of your shoulders. Then, very importantly, the shoulders in which you don't want to fall, on the contrary, you're going to want to push them forward as much as possible, then down.

The rest of the body is just as important. Specifically, it needs to be straight and contracted from the shoulders to the heels. All that's left are your legs, which you'll tighten, stretch and contract, while standing firmly on tiptoe.

And there you are, in a solid sheathing position, with almost every muscle in your body engaged, ready to chain your push-ups together and succeed.

A unique package just for you! 

home gym pack
  • Reduced price: Take advantage of a 20% discount on this pack!

  • Premium quality: Our products are of the highest quality, long-lasting and uniquely designed.

  • The ideal combo: The best pack to start progressing and reach your goals!

Discover this exceptional pack right here 🔥

Add these two elements, and you've got a real home gym that lets you work all your muscle groups.

Dips bars: become an AS of dips

dip bars

For this position with dips barsplace your hands facing each other, with your thumbs around the bar. Get into the dips position, with your wrists just above the bar.

Stretch your arms 99%, without hyperextension, so that your muscles support the weight, not the joints. Turn your elbows inward.

Contract your abs, buttocks and legs, squeezing them together. Bend your elbows and lower to 90 degrees, then raise. On each repetition, stop briefly at the bottom to avoid bouncing, and keep your elbows close to your body.

Calisthenics bars: for maximum versatility

home gym

Discover the multitude of exercises that can be performed with the Levitate Bar in the video below:

I hope you enjoyed this article and it inspired you to push yourself in your home gym! 💪

Creating a home gym can really transform your workout routine and help you reach your goals faster. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced exerciser, having your own home gym offers incredible flexibility.

Take care, stay motivated, and see you soon! 🔥

Eric Flag

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